Patanjali, in his Yoga Sutras, defined yoga as “the stillness of the fluctuations of the mind”, and explained the eight steps necessary to reach this state, therefore the name Ashtanga Yoga -Ashto= eight -Anga= limbs-
- Yamas -Social behavior, moral codes, how we relate to the external world
- Ahimsa -Non violence
- Satya -Truthfulness
- Asteya -Non stealing
- Brahmacharya -Sexual responsibility
- Aparigraha -Non attachment
- Niyamas -Self discipline, how we relate to ourselves, the inner world
- Sauca -Cleanliness
- Santosha -Contentment
- Tapas -Heat and purification
- Svadhyaya -Self study
- Ishvara pranidhana -Surrender to God
- Asanas -Physical posture
- Pranayama -Breath control
- Pratyahara -Withdrawal of the senses
- Dharana -Concentration
- Dhyana -Meditation
- Samadhi -Total peace

There are six series of asanas (postures) in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga system. The first one and most commonly practiced is Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga Therapy) and is meant to cleanse our internal organs.
Mysore style class
Mysore style is a simple, safe way to start practicing yoga, at the beginning your practice will last around 30 min., complete beginners are first taught the Surya Namaskar A and B, with additional postures being gradually added on according to the student’s abilities, both physical and mental.
Mysore style classes, when practicing in a regular way (from 4 to 6 days a week) will strengthen and purify the body making it light and strong, and will help to steady the nervous system, helping calming the mind through even breathing.
Traditionally Mysore classes are not taught on Saturdays and on moon days, Mysore classes will be replace by led classes on those days. Please check our calendar to see the full schedule.
Led class
In a led class the students learns how to connect one posture to the next one with the correct vinyasa system.
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(516) 506-8119
3599 Merrick Rd
Seaford NY 11783